Flexible Installment Plan

We understand that not everyone can pay for the online program in one lump sum. To let you focus on your career goals, RemoteMode allows partial payments for all career paths. Manage your educational expenses with our flexible interest-free payment plan.

Terms and Conditions

  • A full payment is required in order to access the rest of the services including virtual labs, marketplace and job hunting.
  • All invoices shall be paid in full within 90 days.
  • Learning accounts not paid within 90 days will be considered abandoned and therefore closed. Funds transferred to these accounts will be returned to the payer.
  • Transaction fees are non-refundable. When a charge is processed, we incur costs from the card networks and payment processors. These costs are not refunded to us when the charge is refunded. RemoteMode does not charge additional fees on top of the transaction fees to process a refund.
  • RemoteMode shall be entitled to administration fees for the services which are currently equal to $500 usd.
  • Third party add-ons are non-refundable and non-exchangeable due to direct additional cost (such as vouchers/external virtual labs/other add ons).
  • This policy is an integral part of our Terms & Conditions.

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