5 Remote Tech Jobs Nobody Thinks About

Remote work has its advantages, including being able to work from anywhere without the time and expense of the daily commute or the inconvenience of an office. Many jobs in the tech industry are highly compatible with working remotely. Here are five remote tech jobs that you may not have thought would support a work-from-anywhere arrangement but that are quite reasonable for remote work.
#1 – Help Desk Engineer
You may think of a Help Desk Engineer, also called a Tech Support Representative, as the person who comes to your desk, looks over your shoulder, and helps you figure out what is going wrong with the computer operation you are trying to perform. With the advent of remote connectivity, a technician can now access your computer from anywhere, watch what you type on the screen, and talk you through the problem resolution.
The average salary for a Help Desk Engineer is $53,805 per year, according to Indeed. Those who work at the help desk manage, maintain, and repair computer systems. As part of their responsibilities, they are responsible for diagnosing and repairing faults, dealing with network problems, and implementing hardware and software configurations.
#2 – Java and Python Developers
Java and Python are among the top software languages in the world in 2022. Software development using these and other tools has evolved into a highly collaborative team exercise. Teams meet together daily, and developers often sit side-by-side to review each other’s code. While virtual meetings and file sharing were on the upswing before the COVID-19 pandemic, they have taken center stage during the long office lockdowns to enable work to continue. Software teams have made especially good use of these technologies to allow them to meet, discuss, and collaborate from anywhere.
Professionals who develop software for businesses and consumers are known as Software Developers. A Software Developer earns an average salary of $122,948 per year, as reported by Indeed. Their work involves working closely with clients to determine what their needs are, then creating programs using programming languages like Java and Python. Strong problem-solving skills are required, as well as critical thinking skills.
#3 – Project Manager
Not only must project managers be directly involved with their development teams, they must also engage regularly with product managers, project sponsors, and other stakeholders. As companies were forced by the pandemic to adopt virtual communication technologies and rely on email, SMS text, and instant messaging more than ever before and at all levels of the organization, project managers have found that their physical presence in the office is no longer essential to successfully conducting projects.
Based on information from Indeed, the average Project Manager salary is $98,490 a year. Planning, implementing, coordinating, and overseeing large-scale IT projects are the duties of a Project Manager. It may be necessary to use both internal and external resources, including staff from different departments.
#4 – Mobile Developer
Smartphones have captured the lion’s share of the online internet-using community worldwide. Literally millions of mobile apps are available in the Google and Apple stores. Many companies that have traditionally developed their in-house business management applications for the Web are now thinking “mobile first.” The demand for Mobile Developers is increasing at a phenomenal rate. Just as Java and Python Developers have taken advantage of the remote work landscape, Mobile Developers can likewise work on virtual teams through Virtual Private Networks, two-factor authentication, and other secure communication technologies.
The average salary for Database Developers is $93,000 per year, as seen on the Indeed website. Mobile App Developers use programming languages and frameworks, such as React, SwiftUI, Flutter and Dart to create apps for both iOS- and Android-based smartphones and tablets.
#5 – IT Security Specialist
Information security is more important than ever in today’s world of cybercriminals, hackers, and ransomware. Monitoring of computer system security is crucial to a company’s wellbeing. A certain amount of onsite monitoring is still essential, but the same secure technologies that have enabled database developers to access data remotely also apply to many aspects of an IT security specialist’s job.
Providing security for an organization's IT systems is the responsibility of a Cyber Security Specialist. Indeed reports that IT Security Specialists earn an average annual salary of $96,618. An IT security expert searches for security holes in software, hardware, networks, and data centers, and designs defensive strategies to prevent attacks.
Additional Thoughts
The remote IT jobs described above are just a few of the many careers open to trained professionals who want to work with technology in a work-from-anywhere environment. The information technology industry is strong and growing fast. For driven, ambitious individuals, opportunities abound to establish a lucrative, exciting, and fulfilling vocation in the tech sector. Employers are hungry for fresh talent with the right skills.
Get the training you need for a remote tech career that suits your individualistic nature by contacting a career advisor at RemoteMode today.
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