5 Key Skills of a Cloud Engineer: Is This Your Next Career Pivot?

The advancement of cloud computing has significantly impacted the necessary skills for success in the technology sector. As companies implement digital transformations to take advantage of the cloud's capabilities, they require IT professionals and leaders who possess the knowledge to maximize the benefits of their public, private, and hybrid cloud investments.
The five cloud career and leadership skills listed here encompass both the crucial technology-focused cloud expertise and the indispensable business and leadership abilities required in the cloud environment. If the skills we discuss below sound daunting, don’t panic. With proper training, you can master these and a host of other skills that will put you in the forefront for landing a position as a Cloud Engineer. Read all the way to the end of this article to find out how cloud engineering can be your next career.
Understand Linux OS
Acquiring hands-on experience with the Linux operating system is the top priority for Cloud Engineers and Architects. Having a solid understanding of Linux is a fundamental aspect of being a successful cloud professional. You can prepare for this role by installing a virtual machine using VirtualBox or creating a virtual machine in a cloud environment. Additional skill refinements include completing complex tasks such as installing software, conducting load analysis, installing packages, and modifying them.
Network Engineering
Having a working knowledge of the internet and networking is critical for cloud roles as cloud computing relies on centralized computing resources accessed over the internet. Cloud Engineers are responsible for managing networks, including optimizing performance through automated procedures. Hence, it is imperative to have a strong understanding of virtual networks and network fundamentals for success in cloud-centric positions.
DevOps Engineering
To stay relevant, cloud professionals must adapt their organizational strategies and processes. Including the DevOps approach to system implementation and management in the cloud is a prime example. DevOps is increasingly tied to cloud computing, and possessing DevOps skills is becoming a must-have for cloud-focused organizations. Traditional IT job titles and roles, such as systems administrator, are evolving to include DevOps expertise, as servers migrate to the cloud and roles shift from task-oriented to strategic contributions.
The demand for DevOps skills is on the rise, with over 4,200 open DevOps positions listed on Dice and more than 18,500 on Indeed.com, and these numbers continue to grow. Regardless of job title, having DevOps expertise is becoming increasingly prevalent in the cloud-focused technology landscape.
Programming in Python and .Net MVC
A crucial skill set for those seeking to become a Cloud Engineer is proficiency in programming languages such as Python and .NET MVC. These programming languages are widely used in cloud environments, and they provide the foundation for automating and managing cloud-based systems.
Python is known for its simplicity and versatility, making it a popular choice for cloud automation, while .NET is a comprehensive software development platform commonly used for developing cloud-based applications. As a Cloud Engineer, you will be expected to have a deep understanding of these programming languages and how to use them in cloud environments. Whether you are writing code for cloud infrastructure, developing cloud-based applications, or automating cloud processes, these programming languages will be a constant presence in your day-to-day work.
Security and Recovery
Cloud security is a key aspect of cloud computing that requires comprehension of both cybersecurity and cloud technology. As a Cloud Engineer, being able to effectively manage security measures to prevent data breaches and implement disaster recovery protocols is essential. A data breach or downtime of cloud resources can result in significant losses and service outages to clients, ultimately affecting their business. To excel as a Cloud Engineer, it is important to master the skill of cloud security and stay up-to-date with the latest security measures and trends in the industry.
Final Thoughts:
A Cloud Engineer is an essential role in the rapidly growing cloud computing industry. The demand for Cloud Engineers is expected to continue to increase, making it an attractive career choice for those seeking to pivot their careers. To be successful in this role, you must have a strong understanding of Linux operating systems, the internet and networking, and programming languages such as Python and .NET. Additionally, it is crucial to be familiar with the DevOps approach, as it is closely tied to cloud computing. High quality, industry leading training in the fast-paced technologies of cloud computing is the ticket to a fulfilling and lucrative career as a Cloud Engineer.
Where can you get the training you need and earn professional certifications to open the door to a cloud engineering career? RemoteMode is a platform that offers remote learning for cloud engineering and all the key skills mentioned above. Make the most of the current remote learning trend and take your first step towards becoming a Cloud Engineer. Contact RemoteMode today and take your career to new heights.
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