Can a Person Over 40 Start a Remote Tech Career?

Are you considering starting a tech career as an older person? If you are thinking about such a move, then you need to know that it is not just possible but probable. Many mature adults change not just their jobs but their careers. A person with a proven work ethic and solid life skills brings much to the table for potential employers. Add a few technical skills to your toolbag and you make an excellent candidate for a career in information technology. It all depends on how creative and motivated you feel at this stage of your life.
Every company uses tech, including the one you currently work for
You may be thinking you have to change companies to get into a tech career. The data shows, however, that this assumption is not necessarily true. Just because you are currently working in a non-tech company doesn’t mean your employer doesn’t need qualified tech workers. Far more people in the tech industry work in non-tech companies than in tech-specific companies. If you have a solid work history with your current company, look first for opportunities where you are already employed. Hiring managers will often take a known commodity over an equally qualified outsider.
As a 40-year-old, why should you consider a career in technology?
The technology sector offers many opportunities for advancement. The IT field is constantly changing, and there's always something new to learn or do. As you advance through your career, it's possible to work on projects that will help shape the future of this industry.
The tech industry is booming
During the period of 2021-2031, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that computer-related and information technology employment will grow by 15%. That means a lot of new jobs, and these new positions will require qualified professionals to fill them.
Not all tech jobs are alike
Oftentimes, people think that working in tech means coding and programming. This isn't the case, however. Various non-programming positions in tech exist, including project management, network engineering, security analysis, and tech support. The tech industry offers something for everyone.
The tech industry is flexible
The tech industry lends itself to enormous flexibility—which means that it's likely to be more adaptable than other industries. The demand for tech workers is on an upward trend, and the need for skilled workers increases every day. Age is not a barrier if you are willing to keep up with the ever-advancing technologies. Many opportunities in tech allow older workers to keep working while they still have their skills and knowledge. And what's more, the pay is better than in many other industries.
Life Experience Counts
Successful employees bring more than just technical skills to the job. A person in their 40s has more life experience and a broader perspective than someone in their 20s. A mature worker can bring all their experience to bear in solving problems and seeing new and innovative solutions. Life has given them insights into what does and doesn’t work and how to approach assignments with wisdom as well as curiosity.
Mature decision-making matters
You've made many important life decisions over the years. You know how to analyze, think through consequences, determine desirable outcomes, and weigh the odds. Much of the work in IT is creative problem-solving. A tech worker is constantly making decisions, choosing options, and determining the best solutions. As a mature person, your life experiences arm you with valuable knowledge and tools to make informed decisions that benefit your job and your team.
Self-discipline is gold
Self-discipline is one of the essential skills you need for success in an IT career. It means that you have learned how to manage your own time and energy, so that you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible. Self-discipline is what allows you to work effectively in many different situations, including ones where other people might not be able to do so.
You know what works for you and what will help you succeed. That experience breeds self-discipline that enables you to work effectively in many circumstances. You know what you need to be successful.
Particularly as more and more technical jobs are going remote, employers are anxious to hire people with the maturity to work away from the office and without a lot of direct supervision. Many people like the idea of working from home, but not everyone has the self-discipline to be productive in a work-from-home arrangement. Your life experience means you can handle a situation where the boss isn’t looking over your shoulder every moment.
Additional Thoughts
Many myths exist about what it takes to be a successful tech entrepreneur, and one of the most persistent is that you need to be young to make it in the tech industry. Let’s bust that myth right now. You can be over 40 and still start a successful career in tech, as long as you're willing to put in the work.
Reach out to a career advisor at RemoteMode today to learn how easily you can train for a remote tech career.
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