7 In-Demand Tech Skills

A career is more than a job. It’s an occupation that you pursue for a significant period of your life, one that provides opportunities to progress and grow. A successful and fulfilling career combines technical skills with experience to enable you to contribute to the long-term growth and success of an enterprise, whether that is an established company, a skyrocketing start-up, or your own business. Information technology has become the core of virtually every business in the US, and every company is on the lookout for top tech talent. With the right skills, you can develop a career with staying power for the long haul.
The following seven technology skills are at the top of every company’s radar. Any of these skills will not only get you in the door but sustain you through a meaningful and satisfying career.
Skill #1 – Cybersecurity
The pandemic has cast a bright spotlight on the important role of Security Specialists for a number of reasons. The crisis has highlighted vulnerabilities in both companies and individuals, and the cybercriminals have kicked into high gear to take advantage. Nevertheless, network and system security has been a growing concern among businesses of every size for several years. As attacks from digital bandits ramp up, so does the need for improved security, pushing the cybersecurity skill to the top of the talent search. Protecting a company’s data from ever-smarter attacks is a job with a long-term future.
Skill #2 – Cloud Engineering
Cloud computing has changed the face of Information Technology in many companies. Platforms like Amazon’s AWS and Microsoft’s Azure enable businesses of all sizes to acquire and leverage technologies that were once the purview of only the industry giants. People with skills in Cloud engineering are in high demand, as the need for Cloud expertise continues to outstrip the availability of certified talent. Cloud engineering is one of the most recession-proof I/T jobs.
Skill #3 – Network Engineering
The number of digital devices connected to the internet will soon outnumber the total population of the planet. Network engineers who can create and manage all of these connections are critical to most companies. Investments in network upgrades and expansions are near the top of virtually every company’s financial plans for the foreseeable future. A certified Network Engineer has practically limitless opportunities to build a long-lasting career.
Skill #4 – Software Development
The role of software development is growing faster than almost any other skill in the I/T sector. The demand for websites, mobile apps, and back-office business systems increases every year. Software Developers are also among the highest compensated people in the tech industry. The headlong rush for faster, more capable, and more imaginative hardware pushes the limits of the software that runs it, requiring constant modifications and improvements. The horizon for software development is vast and beckons to those who can keep up.
Skill #5 – Project Management
I/T development is all about projects. No sooner does one system go into operation than the next system is already on the drawing board. Projects must be managed to be successful. The role of the Project Manager is to create, communicate, and execute project plans. Project management is both a science and a skill in and of itself. While many industries center around projects, no industry is more project-focused than Information Technology. Certified Project Managers are among the most highly paid members of I/T project teams.
Skill #6 – SQL Database Development
While much I/T industry buzz lately has been about data science, data engineering is the foundation on which data science is built. Database Developers build the infrastructure to store the data and create the functions and processes to access the data to enable the data scientists to do their jobs. Today’s businesses are data-hungry machines that need constant feeding, putting Database Developers high on the list of most HR talent scouts.
Skill #7 – Front-end Development
A generation ago, the user interface to an application was usually designed and developed by the same engineer who wrote the application logic. Today’s users are far more sophisticated and demanding than their predecessors. Modern apps live and die by the simplicity and user-friendliness of the user interface, regardless of what is going on behind the scenes. As the UI/UX designers have become more creative, the Front-end Developers who turn their designs into code have grown into a high-demand role in the I/T industry. This specialty offshoot of the traditional software development career requires unique skills. Whether it is an engaging new website, the next big mobile app, or a back-office system for internal use only, Front-end Development is vital to the success of every software solution.
2025 and Beyond
These are not flash-in-the-pan careers. The skills outlined above are projected to command the attention of employers through 2025 and into the next decade.
Application software development is at the heart of the Digital Revolution. We are seeing only the beginning of this next global industrial transformation. The emphasis on advancing software to take advantage of the quantum leaps in hardware technology will only grow in the coming decade. Databases hold the data, networks enable transactions, and cybersecurity makes sure all parties are safe. Establishing a tech career now will position you to ride the wave of the future.
To learn how quickly you can train in one of these future-proof skills and shift our career into high gear, contact a career advisor at RemoteMode. Their professional remote training program can prepare you for an exciting and fulfilling career in I/T in less time than you think.
Take the first step to your new remote career!